Antidepressant drug prescription and incidence of COVID-19 in mental health outpatients: a retrospective cohort study | BMC Medicine
Health Reporter,
The association of intimate Partner violence and decision making power on nutritional status of married women in Ethiopia: a multilevel mixed-effect analysis | BMC Women’s Health
Health Reporter,
The evolving role of investigative toxicology in the pharmaceutical industry
Health Reporter,
编辑推荐: 今年,研究人员在对抗病毒方面继续取得巨大的进展,因为他们从一些错误中吸取了教训。 对COVID-19科学反应是迅速而有力的。来自全球各个学科的研究人员将注意力转向抗击病毒和拯救生命,研究结果是科学的功劳。在不到一年的时间里,安全有效的疫苗就问世了…
Chemistry that delighted us in 2021
Chemical & Engineering News,
With researchers back in the swing of things, we review the year’s top trends, fascinating findings, memorable molecules, and…
Experts predict 2022's big chemistry research trends
Chemical & Engineering News,
With researchers back in the swing of things, we review the year’s top trends, fascinating findings, memorable molecules, and…
2021's top chemistry research, by the numbers
Chemical & Engineering News,
With researchers back in the swing of things, we review the year’s top trends, fascinating findings, memorable molecules, and…
Plastics recycling research rocketed forward in 2021
Chemical & Engineering News,
With researchers back in the swing of things, we review the year’s top trends, fascinating findings, memorable molecules, and…
Molecular editing made its mark in 2021
Chemical & Engineering News,
With researchers back in the swing of things, we review the year’s top trends, fascinating findings, memorable molecules, and…
La mise sur le marché d'antiviraux pourrait changer le cours de la pandémie
National Geographic,
Voilà des années, bien avant la pandémie de COVID-19, que les virologues tentent de mettre au point des médicaments dits…
How the rise of antivirals may change the course of the pandemic
National Geographic,
Science Coronavirus Coverage Making them isn't easy. But new pills to treat COVID-19 are now showing promise at curbing illness…
Ivermectin Shows Us How Hard It Is To Use Old Drugs For COVID. Here’s How To Do Better Next Time
Many hopes have been pinned on repurposing existing drugs, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, to treat COVID-19.
Ivermectin shows us how hard it is to use old drugs for COVID: How to do better next time
Credit: Shutterstock Many hopes have been pinned on repurposing existing drugs, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, to…
Ivermectin shows us how hard it is to use old drugs for COVID. Here’s how to do better next time
Many hopes have been pinned on repurposing existing drugs, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, to treat COVID-19.
Ivermectin shows us how hard it is to use old drugs for COVID. Here's how to do better next time
The Conversation,
Many hopes have been pinned on repurposing existing drugs, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, to treat COVID-19.
مضادات الفيروسات التي لم تكن يوما كذلك: نتائج مضللة كانت نِتاج إعادة توجيه أدوية مُرخصة لمعالجة الكوفيد 19
Chemical & Engineering News,
فئة كاملة من المركبات تُعطل الخلية بدلا من ايقاف الفيروس في أوائل عام 2020 ومع بداية جائحة الكوفيد 19 ، تأهب العلماء إلى الحالة ا…
Why it’s still so hard to find treatments for early COVID-19
Science News,
More than a year and a half into the pandemic, researchers are beginning to get a handle on how the coronavirus makes people…
The antivirals that weren’t: drug repurposing for COVID-19 produced misleading results
Chemical & Engineering News,
A common class of compounds disrupts the cell rather than stops the virus At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020…
covid-19 : pourquoi l’hydroxychloroquine est efficace en labo, mais pas in vivo
Comment expliquer que des dizaines de molécules, comme l’hydroxychloroquine, aient semblé avoir un effet contre le Covid-19 en…
Covid-19 : pourquoi l’hydroxychloroquine est efficace en labo, mais pas in vivo
La pandémie de Covid-19 en Francedossier Une équipe de chercheurs a découvert un mécanisme expliquant que certaines molécules, dé…