Frogs, crocodiles, turtles age slower than other animals, scientists say
Animals such as turtles with bony shells, spines, or venom age slower and sometimes hardly at all, according to new research.
Descubren que los reptiles y anfibios ‘no envejecen’, y podrían tener el secreto a una vida larga
National Geographic en Español,
El proceso de envejecimiento de los reptiles y anfibios es muy lento y tiene pocas repercusiones físicas.
Биология Почему хладнокровные животные живут так долго и стареют так медленно: самое крупное исследование за всю историю Василий Макаров
, 20:48 Новое невероятно тщательное исследование экзотермических четвероногих — рептилий и амфибий — дает экспертам новое предста…
What Reptiles That Never Age Can Tell Us About Longevity
Yahoo! News,
Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other animals with backbones (or “vertebrat…
What Reptiles That Never Age Can Tell Us About Longevity
The Daily Beast,
Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other animals with backbones (or “vertebrat…
What Reptiles That Never Age Can Tell Us About Longevity
Yahoo! News,
Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other animals with backbones (or “vertebrat…
What Reptiles That Never Age Can Tell Us About Longevity
Yahoo! News,
Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other animals with backbones (or “vertebrat…
Tartarugas conseguem retardar o processo de envelhecimento, diz estudo
+ Tartarugas conseguem retardar envelhecimento, aponta estudo (Foto: Wexor Tmg/ Unsplash) Se existe uma lei da natureza…
Secrets of aging revealed in largest study on longevity, aging in reptiles and amphibians - ScienceDaily -
At 190 years old, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise recently made news for being the “oldest living land animal in the…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Doctors Lounge,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
I segreti dell’invecchiamento rivelati nel più grande studio sulla longevità condotto su rettili e tartarughe in libertà
Green Me,
Gli scienziati dell’Università dell’Illinois hanno condotto uno studio completo sull’invecchi tardivo e sulla longevità di…
Could reptiles and amphibians hold the key to the fountain of youth?
A Sternotherus odoratus with a healthy cap of algae in Spring Lake, Texas. Francis L.
Could reptiles and amphibians hold the key to the fountain of youth?
Popular Science,
When it comes to longevity, scientists have long suspected that scaly and slimy vertebrates have an edge.
Wild turtles age slowly. Some basically don't age at all - Futurity
New research finds that turtles in the wild age slowly and have long lifespans, and identifies several species that essentially…
Secrets of Slow Aging and Longevity in Reptiles and Amphibians Discovered for the First Time
The Science Times, United States,
08:00 AM EDT (Photo : GIANLUIGI GUERCIA/AFP via ) Jonathan, a Seychelles giant tortoise, believed to be the oldest reptile…
Weit über 100 Jahre alt: Wie manche Tiere es schaffen, nicht zu altern
Der Tagesspiegel,
Schildkröten, Brückenechsen und einige Salamander altern erheblich langsamer als Menschen und andere Säugetiere.
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles, unless they live in…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Beatrice Daily Sun,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans,
June 24, 2022 4:28 AM Cara Murez Posted: June 24, 2022 4:28 AM Updated: June 24, 2022 5:04 AM FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Independent Record,
WhatsApp SMS Email Print Copy article link Save Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Rapid City Journal,
Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
The Bismarck Tribune,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Winona Daily News,
WhatsApp SMS Email Print Copy article link Save Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Daily Journal,
Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans,
Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Daily Journal (Tupelo),
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans,
June 24, 2022 6:28 AM Cara Murez Posted: June 24, 2022 6:28 AM Updated: June 24, 2022 7:17 AM FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
The Buffalo News,
Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Billings Gazette,
Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Lincoln Journal Star,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Health Day ,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Olean Times Herald,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
The Southern Illinoisan,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Arizona Daily Star,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
The Sentinel (Pennsylvania),
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Columbus Telegram,
Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Northwest Indiana Times,
Cara Murez FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Killeen Daily Herald,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
The Messenger,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Bradford Era,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
Finger Lakes Times,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
El Paso Inc,
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans
FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Historically, not much has been recorded on the aging of amphibians and reptiles…
Very Old Reptiles Give Clues to Longevity in Humans,
By By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter, (HealthDay) FRIDAY, June 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Historically, not much has been…
Christian-born female rabbi shakes up Jewish Orthodoxy
The Raw Story,
Although there have been eye-catching individual reports -- such as that of Jonathan the Seychelles tortoise who turns 190 this…
‘Very bad day for Trump’: Morning Joe says latest Jan. 6 hearing exposed ‘sheer idiocy’ of his presidency
The Raw Story,
Although there have been eye-catching individual reports -- such as that of Jonathan the Seychelles tortoise who turns 190 this…
La ciencia desvela por qué las tortugas viven tanto
La revista 'Science' publica esta semana dos estudios independientes sobre envejecimiento y longevidad en reptiles.
La ciencia desvela por qué las tortugas viven tanto
Agencia SINC,
El animal terrestre más viejo del mundo es Jonathan, una tortuga gigante que vive en el archipiélago de las Seychelles y que…
Turtles have the recipe to make humans immortal! Discovery of the secret of living 150 years
Washington: Humans can hardly live 100 years today. But there are many organisms that live a long life.
Secrets of aging revealed in largest study on longevity, aging in reptiles and amphibians - ScienceDaily - swifttelecast
Swift Telecast,
At 190 years old, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise recently made news for being the “oldest living land animal in the…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don't age, studies show
GMA News,
Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle. Two studies published in the journal Science on…
Some turtles that live longer have a lower chance of dying each year
Today UK News,
In zoos and aquariums, some species of turtles and tortoises have a lower rate of ageing as they grow older Life 23 June 2022…
Cold-Blooded Animals May Hold the Key to Long Life. A Huge Study Just Tried to Find It
Science Alert,
A new published and incredibly thorough study of ectothermic tetrapods – reptiles and amphibians – gives experts a fresh…
Studying slow ageing of cold-blooded creatures could unlock secrets to human longevity
Many species of and have biological mechanisms that slow down or even completely switch off, according to a new study that may…
Schildkröten altern extrem langsam,
Viele Schildkröten werden kaum schwächer, je länger sie leben. Wie neue Untersuchungen zeigen, kann sich der Prozess des…
What is the secret of having a long life?
The Week (India),
Researchers tracked 77 species for up to 60 years to reveal the secrets of long life Ever wondered about the secret to a long…
Studying slow ageing of cold-blooded creatures could unlock secrets to human longevity
Business Telegraph,
Many species of turtles and tortoises have biological mechanisms that slow down or even completely switch off ageing, according…
Studying slow ageing of cold-blooded creatures could unlock secrets to human longevity
Many species of turtles and tortoises have biological mechanisms that slow down or even completely switch off ageing, according…
Studying slow ageing of cold-blooded creatures could unlock secrets to human longevity
Yahoo! News,
Many species of turtles and tortoises have biological mechanisms that slow down or even completely switch off ageing, according…
Studying slow ageing of cold-blooded creatures could unlock secrets to human longevity
Yahoo! News,
Many species of turtles and tortoises have biological mechanisms that slow down or even completely switch off ageing, according…
News story from The Independent on Friday 24 June 2022
The Independent,
We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to try to reveal the secrets of long life. And some don’t seem to age at all
By Mike Gardner, Flinders University Adelaide, Jun 24 (The Conversation) Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps…
Secrets of aging revealed in largest study on longevity, aging in reptiles and amphibians - Alert Breaking News - United States
Alert Breaking News - US,
At 190 years old, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise recently made news for being the “oldest living land animal in the…
Largest study on longevity reveals secrets of reptile and amphibian aging
The Medical News,
At 190 years old, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise recently made news for being the "oldest living land animal in the…
Cold-blooded facts of life
Mirage News,
The secrets of ageing have been revealed in largest study on longevity and ageing in reptiles and amphibians published today in…
We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to try to reveal the secrets of long life. And some don't seem to age at all
Australasian Science,
Mike Gardner, Author provided Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don't age, studies show
Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle. Two studies published in the journal Science on…
Secrets of reptile and amphibian aging revealed
Mirage News,
Pennsylvania State University At 190 years old, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise recently made news for being the “oldest…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don’t age, studies show
Daily Tribune (Philippines),
Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle. Two studies published in the journal Science on…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don’t age, studies show
Today UK News,
A picture taken on June 3, 2022 shows a unique albinos Galapagos giant tortoise baby, born on May 1, next to its mother at the…
Las criaturas de sangre fría como las tortugas no envejecen, según estudios
El Universo,
EcologíaFauna El envejecimiento o la senescencia insignificantes no significa que sean inmortales, se precisó.
We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to try to reveal secrets of long life
Mirage News,
Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other animals with backbones (or “vertebrat…
We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to try to reveal the secrets of long life. And some don't seem to age at all
Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other animals with backbones (or “vertebrat…
We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to try to reveal the secrets of long life. And some don't seem to age at all
The Conversation,
Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other animals with backbones (or “vertebrat…
We helped track 77 species for up to 60 years to try to reveal the secrets of long life. And some don’t seem to age at all
Global Advisors,
Mike Gardner, Author provided Ever wondered about the secret to a long life? Perhaps understanding the lifespans of other…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don't age, studies show
The Straits Times,
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle.
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don't age, studies show
A picture taken on June 3, 2022 shows a unique albinos Galapagos giant tortoise baby, born on May 1, next to its mother at the…
Studies find little evidence of physical aging in turtle species, some of
Across two studies, researchers investigated aging in cold-blooded tetrapods, revealing surprisingly little evidence of…
How Slow Can You Go?
The Scientist Magazine,
Two studies show negligible rates of aging in some types of turtles and other cold-blooded creatures, but that doesn’t mean they…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don't age, studies show
Bangkok Post,
WASHINGTON - Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle.
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don't age, studies show
Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle. Two studies published in the journal Science on…
Centenarian Tortoises May Set the Standard for Anti-Aging
Global Online Money,
For mammals like people, getting older is inevitable. Irrespective of what number of nutritional vitamins we take, pores and…
Centenarian Tortoises May Set the Standard for Anti-Aging
The World Business,
For mammals like humans, aging is inevitable. No matter how many vitamins we take, skin sags, bones soften and joints stiffen…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don't age, studies show
The Deccan Herald,
Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle. Two studies published in the journal Science on…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don’t age, studies show
Breitbart News Network,
Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle. Two studies published in the journal Science on…
Centenarian Tortoises May Set the Standard for Anti-Aging
For mammals like humans, aging is inevitable. No matter how many vitamins we take, skin sags, bones soften and joints stiffen…
Secrets of aging revealed in largest study on longevity, aging in reptiles and amphibians,
UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — At 190 years old, Jonathan the Seychelles giant tortoise recently made news for being the “oldest living…
Neue biologische Studien – Diese Tiere altern langsamer als Menschen
Basler Zeitung,
Zum Hauptinhalt springen Neue biologische StudienDiese Tiere altern langsamer als Menschen Schildkröten, Brückenechsen und…
Neue biologische Studien: Diese Tiere altern langsamer als Menschen
Der Bund,
– Diese Tiere altern langsamer als Menschen Schildkröten, Brückenechsen und einige Salamander altern erheblich langsamer als…
Neue biologische Studien – Diese Tiere altern langsamer als Menschen
Berner Zeitung,
Zum Hauptinhalt springen Neue biologische StudienDiese Tiere altern langsamer als Menschen Schildkröten, Brückenechsen und…
Forever young: Many cold-blooded creatures don't age, studies show
RTL Today,
Scientists have discovered the secret to eternal youth: be born a turtle. Two studies published in the journal Science on…