En 1994 se detectó una gran mortalidad entre las águilas calvas del Sudeste norteamericano. Los animales sufrían una enfermedad neurodegenerativa de origen desconocido. No solo la sufrían ellas sino también algunos herbívoros de la zona. https://t.co/Qgu5
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
What's killing bald eagles? A bacterial toxin stimulated by bromides. May be linked to herbicide overuse and accumulation in water ecosystems. Remember Carson's Silent Spring? https://t.co/nFKOOiXApD
食物連鎖でシアノバクテリアの毒がまわっていくのか,面白い https://t.co/8wz5AKvYN2
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @benebio3D: “The eagle killer” This story is so cool that I get excited every time I tell it. Congratulations and thank you @Niedermeyer…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
Many of us with long-term side projects will relate to this thread, which motivates to continue them!
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
What comes around, goes around - the food chain.
RT @CyanoTracker: Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy https://t.co/Vna32slZhN
Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy https://t.co/Vna32slZhN
RT @benebio3D: “The eagle killer” This story is so cool that I get excited every time I tell it. Congratulations and thank you @Niedermeyer…
The birds died because of a specific algae that lives on a specific invasive water plant and makes a novel toxin, but only in the presence of specific pollutants says the report https://t.co/ttaGl5UHQW
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @AndrejaKust: So lucky I've played tiny role in final stage of over a decade long puzzle. Biggest congrats to @Niedermeyer_Lab and Susan…
RT @benebio3D: “The eagle killer” This story is so cool that I get excited every time I tell it. Congratulations and thank you @Niedermeyer…
RT @benebio3D: “The eagle killer” This story is so cool that I get excited every time I tell it. Congratulations and thank you @Niedermeyer…
Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy https://t.co/pXcfWhdlrt
RT @SeepExplorer: This is an incredible (as in truly incredible) paper: https://t.co/BGXEy6BYJ8
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: If you are interested in more details about the #aetokthonotoxin story, and also why there might be an anthropogenic c…
“The eagle killer” This story is so cool that I get excited every time I tell it. Congratulations and thank you @Niedermeyer_Lab, Timo and Steffen et al. for the opportunity to contribute to this fantastic study! Autofluorescent microbes make #correlative
Paper here! https://t.co/dDxhAmCfp4
Wow, this is a really interesting story, even involves bromine?!... Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy https://t.co/carkey4Eug
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: If you are interested in more details about the #aetokthonotoxin story, and also why there might be an anthropogenic c…
This is an incredible (as in truly incredible) paper: https://t.co/BGXEy6BYJ8
Coolest natural product chemistry story in a while
Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy https://t.co/8ufPb72cyC @Sciencemagazine
An invasive aquatic plant finally reveals it's lethal secrets. Cyanobacteria growing on the plant produce a strange penta-bromide-substituted di-indole, which through the food chain has been shown to be neurotoxic to birds. https://t.co/KF2tLX3qzI https:/
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @AndrejaKust: So lucky I've played tiny role in final stage of over a decade long puzzle. Biggest congrats to @Niedermeyer_Lab and Susan…
RT @MeaganPhelan: On @ScienceMagazine cover: After eluding scientists for 25+ years, the cause of vacuolar myelinopathy, a fatal neurologic…
RT @AndrejaKust: So lucky I've played tiny role in final stage of over a decade long puzzle. Biggest congrats to @Niedermeyer_Lab and Susan…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
So lucky I've played tiny role in final stage of over a decade long puzzle. Biggest congrats to @Niedermeyer_Lab and Susan Wilde group at @UGAWarnell for the successful end of the story! It truly shows the persistence and patience pays off! 🎉🎉🎉
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: If you are interested in more details about the #aetokthonotoxin story, and also why there might be an anthropogenic c…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
This is sad. The run off of waste from coal power stations, chemicals used in water treatment and herbicides containing bromine are all leading to death of top predators through bioaccumulation https://t.co/SUP1la4yvE
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
The paper is publicly available. https://t.co/XyIjpbfrYh
Really interesting scientific discovery and story! My wife @DramiCov , an avid birder, will love this!
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
Congratulations to the team that finally isolated the toxic principal of vacuolar myelinopathy in eagles, coots and other critters. Aetokthonotoxin! It's a mouthful for anyone. https://t.co/porXYa0lt0
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
🦠 💦-> ☠️🦅https://t.co/vWpsIgP3KZ Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: If you are interested in more details about the #aetokthonotoxin story, and also why there might be an anthropogenic c…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times.…
#ScienceMagazine Hunting the eagle killer: A cyanobacterial neurotoxin causes vacuolar myelinopathy https://t.co/4u1M1eplce Waterbirds, tadpoles, aquatic turtles, snails, and fish consume this contaminated vegetation and develop VM. Predators develop VM wh
#Aetokthonotoxin (in Greek means toxin that kills eagles) makes the @ScienceMagazine cover, after years of research by @Niedermeyer_Lab.
A deadly toxin that kills bald eagles originated from an environmental interaction between an invasive plant, a cyanobacterium, and bromide. https://t.co/lD3TXOrcYP
RT @Niedermeyer_Lab: If you are interested in more details about the #aetokthonotoxin story, and also why there might be an anthropogenic c…
If you are interested in more details about the #aetokthonotoxin story, and also why there might be an anthropogenic component in #VM occurrence, please read the paper and the extensive Supporting Materials (https://t.co/a5mV8NG2lR, OpenAccess) 17/17
A thread on our latest publication – a publication we worked > 10 years on. 🙃 This project has driven us mad at times. But in the end, it has made it onto the cover of tomorrow’s issue of @ScienceMagazine, so I suppose it was worth it... 😅 https://t.co/
On @ScienceMagazine cover: After eluding scientists for 25+ years, the cause of vacuolar myelinopathy, a fatal neurological disease that affects waterbirds and raptors, has finally been revealed – a new cyanobacterial neurotoxin called aetokthonotoxin. htt
Great write-ups of this story by @sarahzhang https://t.co/nSqU5Sp6xx and @atsaraharrison https://t.co/YNqq5o7vqB
Also this week—with a stunning cover photo—is a beautifully multidisciplinary detective story from Wilde, Niedermeyer and co-workers: invasive aquatic plant concentrates bromide that cyanobacteria add to indole, producing a toxin that’s poisoning eagles ht