@chorherr Mögest Du recht haben. Nicht alle sehen das so: https://t.co/19papABAHz
@AinoTuominen @MariPantsar Pitää kuitenkin ottaa huomioon seuraava. Lähde tässä: https://t.co/qtEpC2FvTg https://t.co/7R28CinVZR
@_M_I_N_T_T_U Tässä samasta asiasta: https://t.co/azyKzehJtP
@Dominic_Mart Not to give their argument fuel, and I realize population growth puts more pressure on resources (often spread unequally). But is there new research on population stabilisation as I thought it was expected to continue to grow. https://t.co/E
There is an 80% probability that world population 🌎, now 7.2 billion people, will increase to between 9.6 billion and 12.3 billion in 2100. 🔜 #DemographicChange but #NoPlanetB ⬇️ https://t.co/TrcrfCk3Sw
@LarvaeSay @sean_joshua_ @Mrsrobi70428384 @EJWardNews https://t.co/jMZINPtsId is a good summation of what is observed with better contraceptive education and child healthcare afforded by vaccines. This study https://t.co/vPxvFsIJEI shows how significant ju
@TurveyBeth @Western2A @SacredGeoInt 3) As evidenced in a 2014 paper published in Science that attempted to calculate future population growth: https://t.co/zk6FhUF3fQ
@CarlSchlyter https://t.co/DeHv0oedPD Är det troligt att man under enstaka livstider kan utveckla hållbart jordbruk, fiske, jakt, energiproduktion etc, när Asiens befolkningsökning fortsätter, och de i Afrika väntas bli ungefär lika många som Asien? Vad f
@WIRED See below for a probabilistic approach https://t.co/VTTDeqvvnn
RT @baur_judith: @jansen_hh @a_gellinek Wie wäre es, wenn Sie sich erst einmal die Fakten anlesen, bevor Sie diskutieren? Hier für Sie, aus…
@jansen_hh @a_gellinek Wie wäre es, wenn Sie sich erst einmal die Fakten anlesen, bevor Sie diskutieren? Hier für Sie, aus Science, neben Nature das führende fachübergreifende wissenschaftliche Journal. 2100 dann 4 Milliarden Menschen in Afrika – bei sinke
@jvgraz But are are some far worse numbers. This shows the population going as high as 12 billion by 2100. https://t.co/0AOr4Ey5z6
@Revkin That would mean focusing on Africa, where fertility remains high. If that does not change, Africa will contribute most of the 21st C population growth. https://t.co/trD5skNXIG https://t.co/oCZOiFMlXN
RT @scipak: The world’s population is unlikely to stabilize this century, this 2014 study suggests https://t.co/1BfDSVTPMG #WorldPopulation…
The world’s population is unlikely to stabilize this century, this 2014 study suggests https://t.co/1BfDSVTPMG #WorldPopulationDay2017
World population stabilization unlikely this century https://t.co/mMnXDVLG31
Probabilidad del 80% de que alcanzaremos 12 millardos de población en 2100, esto pone a Europa en una encrucijada. https://t.co/YamIDERTIn
@AnnaRotkirch @Vaestoliitto Sanotaan täällä: https://t.co/I1orTZKIeQ 2/2
RT @AgingCell: World population to keep growing, and to become older. http://t.co/dkuP1HG2gt
ANO prognozē,ka līdz 2100.g.Āfrikas iedzīvotāju skaits palielināsies 3,5 reizes http://t.co/WaDVX9oX8g Mūsu "bēgļu uzņēmējiem" būs,ko darīt.
ANO prognozē,ka līdz 2100.g. Āfrikas iedzīvotāju skaits palielināsies 3,5 reižu http://t.co/WaDVX9oX8g Mūsu "bēgļu uzņēmējiem" būs,ko darīt.
@BriandBnjmn @thi_loup Les prévisions figurants sur cette carte émanent de recherches financées par l'ONU cf. Science http://t.co/b65u2OZZhZ
PT from UN population projections http://t.co/ENvM3PZMkT
@kevC4D @sabik @BillGates I confess I haven't looked at this closely, but recent modeling: http://t.co/nlQ6KuWy1D
日経サイエンス2月号、国連による人口予測の上方修正も記載されていました。これまでの予測よりも増加が続き、2050年には96億人、2100年位は109億人に達する見込みとのこと。 サイエンスの元論文はこちら。 http://t.co/6H1L9PDKKm
日経サイエンス2月号、国連による人口予測の上方修正も記載されていました。これまでの予測よりも増加が続き、2050年には96億人、2100年位は109億人に達する見込みとのこと。 サイエンスの元論文はこちら。 http://t.co/6H1L9PDKKm
日経サイエンス2月号、国連による人口予測の上方修正も記載されていました。これまでの予測よりも増加が続き、2050年には96億人、2100年位は109億人に達する見込みとのこと。 サイエンスの元論文はこちら。 http://t.co/6H1L9PDKKm
日経サイエンス2月号、国連による人口予測の上方修正も記載されていました。これまでの予測よりも増加が続き、2050年には96億人、2100年位は109億人に達する見込みとのこと。 サイエンスの元論文はこちら。 http://t.co/6H1L9PDKKm
Earth's population will not stabilize this century, may hit 12.3 billion by 2100 http://t.co/swxQx00g0A http://t.co/HXYjLiprKx
Earth's population will not stabilize this century, may hit 12.3 billion by 2100 http://t.co/swxQx00g0A http://t.co/HXYjLiprKx
.@trendtalk Here is the source article from the Scientific American 'world population' article: http://t.co/6X0bGuHncW
@EricTopol Relentless growth of people deserves equal time! http://t.co/5rb3TXsOZS
Study says contrary to expectation, world population won't peak and will rise to as much as 12.3 bn in 2100. http://t.co/J3eDZRdoAA
Study says contrary to expectation, world population won't peak and will rise to as much as 12.3 bn in 2100. http://t.co/J3eDZRdoAA
New century, old problems. Expanding, aging populations will continue to be an issue throughout this century. http://t.co/PN2YH5fWCH
Ah ha.. http://t.co/L6pTHAqu7R @arvinds what do you have to say now?
World #Population stabilization unlikely by 2100: http://t.co/Z7zx5WPKnW #Geography #BayesianProbabilisticMethodology http://t.co/kj82Y7rcWh
World population stabilization unlikely this century #sdoh http://t.co/wKKgXWN2Ej
World population stabilization unlikely this century #sdoh http://t.co/5534nwu6eI
World population stabilization unlikely this century #sdoh http://t.co/5534nwu6eI
World population stabilization unlikely this century #sdoh http://t.co/5534nwu6eI
#Immigration as a rich-country economic strategy, http://t.co/vyB5o6NYYM by @tylercowen—citing http://t.co/isqXXPyFW1 http://t.co/KdZHvPlDQG
There is 80% probability that world population, now 7.2 billion will increase to between 9.6 and 12.3 billion in 2100 http://t.co/l0K6eEM1sq
World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/Z3OlzK8k8N
#Immigration as a rich-country economic strategy, http://t.co/vyB5o6NYYM by @tylercowen—citing http://t.co/isqXXPyFW1 http://t.co/KdZHvPlDQG
#Immigration as a rich-country economic strategy, http://t.co/vyB5o6NYYM by @tylercowen—citing http://t.co/isqXXPyFW1 http://t.co/KdZHvPlDQG
#Immigration as a rich-country economic strategy, http://t.co/vyB5o6NYYM by @tylercowen—citing http://t.co/isqXXPyFW1 http://t.co/KdZHvPlDQG
#Immigration as a rich-country economic strategy, http://t.co/vyB5o6NYYM by @tylercowen—citing http://t.co/isqXXPyFW1 http://t.co/KdZHvPlDQG
#Immigration as a rich-country economic strategy, http://t.co/vyB5o6NYYM by @tylercowen—citing http://t.co/isqXXPyFW1 http://t.co/KdZHvPlDQG
World population projections do not show a reasssuring flattening, with huge implications for global stability. http://t.co/WsqVv0cYA3
World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/8BAg2FVbVs
There is an 80% probability that world population will increase to between 9.6 billion &12.3 billion in 2100. http://t.co/TQ8MlKnBcS
sur 7 humains depuis les origines, 1 est en vie aujourd'hui... #demographie Science | From AAAS http://t.co/G4u18WtRvH
"World population stabilization unlikely this century" - Forecast now for between 9.6 - 12.3 billion people by 2100 - http://t.co/E4AjU3G0xb
"Organic can only possibly feed four billion people..." Norman Borlaug http://t.co/2z9dPsoTfN
"A current study (http://t.co/K3cSbJNdl2) on population growth projections finds an 80% probability that world population,-" 28
World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/16QfgqlTmU
Likewise, extrapolating UN data points to 438-722 mn in S-S Africa where over 100% of renewable #water is consumed. http://t.co/oEZl9VqaLN
At the country level, S-S Africans facing extreme #water scarcity to rise from just 21 mn to 1,899-3,291 mn by 2100. http://t.co/oEZl9VqaLN
Sub-Saharan Africa's population forecast to rise from 936 mn in 2013 to 3.5-5.1 bn by 2100. #water implications? http://t.co/oEZl9VqaLN
World population stabilization unlikely this century... http://t.co/01VfJK0Lxy
World population to keep growing, and to become older. http://t.co/dkuP1HG2gt
World population to keep growing, and to become older. http://t.co/dkuP1HG2gt
World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/YKccLskJHH
World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/5OXqOFvPVH
@PaulRobbins15 I think there’s a pretty big gap between “material fact” and “unlikely possibility,” no? http://t.co/b7Qv7AEbSr
"World population stabilization unlikely this century" - Forecast now for between 9.6 - 12.3 billion people by 2100 - http://t.co/E4AjU3G0xb
Science: World population stabilisation unlikely this century http://t.co/wZ2gmmBmZV @IlonaKickbusch @ProfKevinFenton @HoskinsAnn @JanetAth
Science magazine - World population for 2100 projected to increase to between 9.6 and 12.3 billion. http://t.co/E8efJ6z3FL
[Report] World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/jGPPsJgqvM
[Report] World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/jGPPsJgqvM
[Report] World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/jGPPsJgqvM
The world #population will not stabilize this century http://t.co/9M4mfWR8Bj by @Patrick_Gerland #demography http://t.co/YB3SPS2ZyY
From Science Mag - Population Stabilization unlikely this century: http://t.co/G6ddGG1taN #climatechange
From Science Mag - Population Stabilization unlikely this century: http://t.co/G6ddGG1taN #climatechange
World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/h8uUg9fRBv
国連が最近公表した人口予測の解析から、現在72億人の世界人口は21世紀末には96-123億人に達し(アフリカ・サヘル地域の人口の急増が主要因)、今世紀中に世界人口が安定化する可能性が低いことが分かった。先進国以外でも高齢化が進むと予想 http://t.co/mxNAIoFV6J
国連が最近公表した人口予測の解析から、現在72億人の世界人口は21世紀末には96-123億人に達し(アフリカ・サヘル地域の人口の急増が主要因)、今世紀中に世界人口が安定化する可能性が低いことが分かった。先進国以外でも高齢化が進むと予想 http://t.co/mxNAIoFV6J
国連が最近公表した人口予測の解析から、現在72億人の世界人口は21世紀末には96-123億人に達し(アフリカ・サヘル地域の人口の急増が主要因)、今世紀中に世界人口が安定化する可能性が低いことが分かった。先進国以外でも高齢化が進むと予想 http://t.co/mxNAIoFV6J
Thank goodness for a low climate sensitivity! http://t.co/nsF9qfbsna "World pop stabilization unlikely this century" http://t.co/vcAIZjAj0o
Article from @sciencemagazine: World population stabilization unlikely this century http://t.co/VN96y0wqYA
@PeterGleick @ChristopherWr11 What about the new results by Gerland et al? http://t.co/5PJZFQtKo3 http://t.co/BC9tT4AC8M
Global population unlikely to peak at 9bn, 80% chance population will be 9.6-12.3 bn by 2100 @sciencemagazine http://t.co/hm90rRhUhu
Earth's population will not stabilize this century, may hit 12.3 billion by 2100 http://t.co/swxQx00g0A http://t.co/HXYjLiprKx
for the first time using statistics (!) the UN now projects world population unlikely to stop growing this century http://t.co/D5YSjnBnPa
@DuncanStott Such as "World population stabilization unlikely this century", Gerland et al: http://t.co/OD7RqNF4Fv @DGWilkinson @MrRBourne
Important and terrifying study regarding population growth - World population set to hit 12 billion by 2100 - http://t.co/WO9TjtlGQL
Global population will continue to rise, won’t stabilize this century http://t.co/pj5SwK1s1E
#World population stabilization unlikely this century #11.000 millones de personas en #2100 http://t.co/7KvJ5jTg0S
@sciencemagazine: Earth's popul. will not stabilize this century, may hit 12.3 billion by 2100 http://t.co/gtyL1AbDPv http://t.co/YjMunQa4lI
"World population stabilization unlikely this century": http://t.co/UwdH9Z6VV9
Bad news: human population projected to just go on increasing. Assuming we manage to feed ourselves… http://t.co/a5VZkoCj71
Earth's population will not stabilize this century, may hit 12.3 billion by 2100 http://t.co/swxQx00g0A http://t.co/HXYjLiprKx
In @ScienceMagazine, "80% probability that world population...will increase to between 9.6 and 12.3 billion in 2100" http://t.co/C5jq2dcXim
And here's the paper published last week with new population "projections not predictions". http://t.co/L2d9pp1SUh
Above are old, less scary numbers from: http://t.co/xz8Ve2cVur Anyone with access to the new want to free it for us? http://t.co/L2d9pp1SUh
And here's the paper published last week with new population "projections not predictions". http://t.co/L2d9pp1SUh
Above are old, less scary numbers from: http://t.co/xz8Ve2cVur Anyone with access to the new want to free it for us? http://t.co/L2d9pp1SUh
And here's the paper published last week with new population "projections not predictions". http://t.co/L2d9pp1SUh